Time to talk about yourself

My persona looking at you

Hello my dear Stranger.

This is the time to virtually see you.
Since I got tired of waiting for your email (or you are just too shy to write something), I would like to know about you, the one who is looking through my webpages. I am indeed curious as to why you look through my pages (be it forced to or just by pleasure) and what kind of person who is surfing my webpages project. This way, I could try to stop some pedophile or crazy stalker from knowing me further. Please fill out this survey to motivate me to make more webpages. It is important for me (and not for you), so please try to make an effort.

P.S.: If you stumble to this page without checking my previous pages, please start by reading my first page by clicking here.
My first page talks about myself (so nothing to lose from your side). You can click on this page.
My second page talks about my passion for photography. If you are curious, please click here.
My third page talks about my love for the Nature. If you are a passionate (or just a curious cat), please click here.

If you are bored, hover my cat. There is a catch!

General attributes

What is your real first name?Required
How should I address you?
What is your gender?
What is your age?Required
What is your email address? (so I could message you if you are too shy to do it)Required
If you have more than one email to share, just put a comma in between each. I will try to contact all of them so you could notice me.

To prevent malicious weird octopus from contacting you under my name, please give me a secret word. Also, keep your word under 15 characters please.
I will contact you while using this secret word:Required

Click reset if you want to restart everything, otherwise please continue.

Your interests

Since I show you my interests, I want to know yours. This way, I have something to start a conversation for you.

What are your favorite sports?

If you have other sports please write it down here and separate them with commas:

What is your favorite colour: or type other:

What is your favorite animal? or type other:

Tell me your spirit animal:

Tell me your favorite movie:

Finally, tell me if you like anime?
If yes, please tell me your favorite anime:

Click reset if you want to restart everything, otherwise please continue.

Your comments

Your comments are important to my improvement. Please write something down. It is required. Thank you!

My persona begging you
What do you like on all my webpages? Please be concise maximun 500 characters

What do you hate on all my webpages? Please be concise maximun 500 characters

What would you like to improve for my webpages? Please be concise maximun 500 characters

Once you are done, please click one of these buttons:

or Thank you again!

That is all for now. If you want to know more, you can always write to me with this email.

See you next time.Good Bye!

A thanks to Oboeteru for my persona pictures.

Last Updated:October 7, 2019