What Nature gives to Wing Shu

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As you know by now, I really like hiking. Mainly, hiking help me seek the ephemerality of nature.
I like how temporal nature's beauty can demonstrate you everytime, in every moment.
I will show you, with my pictures, the beauty of nature.

Winter's Beauty

Even though winter's color is as blank as it could be, humans manage to keep it colorful and creative. What is snow becomes an igloo and with the power of LED lights, we manage to create a warm feeling to Winter. Though the structure cannot be kept long, it still gives the longing feeling to people.
Hotel de Glace Val-Cartier

Here is an look of the inside of the ice hotel (look to your right).Although it is incredibly cold, you cannot take your eyes off:
Beauty is shown in different ways in winter.

Although for this case, it needs humans intervention. To what extent can a human could intervene such beauty? Without the cold and isolation offered by this climate, we might never seen such ephemerality appeared.

In the end, Nature is present to add a touch of beauty to this wonderland.

Inside Ice Hotel

You might still be thinking that this not a "natural" beauty for it is being morphed by humans. Even so, I can give you an example where nature dominates the space by its beauty despite humans' coordination of the initial space.

Forest's Beauty

Although people are the ones who limit and design the trails for a forest and a park, Nature is able to outgrow their capacity. By letting nature grow, it exceeds the original beauty that designers first thought it would be. That kind of magic is only possible due to Nature's Ephemerality. This is why it entice people to stay with Nature.
It is a view that change everyday, but it gives a different sensation everytime we cross upon.
Laval's Centre de la Nature park
Conservation Park
As I wonder through these conservation parks, I cannot stop taking every picture of what Nature gives. Be it physical (like pictures) or mental (like engraving my mind), it still cannot describe how beautiful it shows to us at that moment.

Here is how much I visited parks depending on weather:

Frequencies of me exploring the Nature
Fall is the best season to visit. Everyday changes, like the leaves, the water current, the fruits of cultivation and etc.
I hope it will also motivate you to go out and get dirty.

That is all for now. If you want to know more, you know what to do.

See you next time.Good Bye!

For this time, all pictures were taken by yours truly.

Last Updated:September 23, 2019