Wenxue Zhao

Hi there! My name is Wenxue Zhao. I'm studying computer science at BU. I like coding, gaming and design.

My favorite games:

Title Rating
Red Dead Redemption 2 ★★★★★
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ★★★★★
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim ★★★★

My recent code project

Project Description Demo
An simple e-commerce website using MERN stack. wiz.codes
Wiki Viewer
An web app to search and view wikipedia articles. N/A
Local Weather Viewer
An app to show weather information at your location. N/A

My previous design project

Sad story. I just noticed the cloud storage service holding my project archives shut down a year ago.
Never fully trust companies, always keep a copy of your precious work and memory stored locally in a disk.