Valerian Harasse

Hello, my birthday is in day(s)

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Bend, but never break

Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth. Some species of bamboo can grow more than 1 meter per day, which is about 4 cm per hour. No other plant grows faster.
While bamboo may grow taller than some trees, it's not a tree but a group of plants that belong to the grass family.



  1. Bamboo is flexible, bending with the wind, but never breaking, capable of adapting.
  2. Ability to bounce back even from the most difficult times.
  3. It takes tike to the roots to grow, but once it's done the growth is extraordinary.
... like a bamboo.

What's the meaning of "Schriftsteller" in german:

Click on the sentence above.

JavaScript Prompt:

Click on the picture to display a confirm box.

Lab 8

Guess the Number!

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100. Can you guess what it is?