Geometry Dash's Future Demonlist

Image of Tidal Wave youtube video thumbnail made 
by the player Zoink

Recently the videogame "Geometry Dash" community has had a lot of discussions about a new level that has been released. This level is called "Tidal Wave" and is supposed to be the new hardest level ever made and beaten. Level difficulty is a big part of Geometry dash, for years now, the playerbase has been honing their skills and have repeatedly pushed past what was thought to be the limits of what was possible. Being able to beat the hardest levels in the game is something that most players strive for and what drives people to play and improve at the game. Completing a difficult level not only leads to getting the respect of others, it also gives you points on the Geometry Dash's demonlist.

Here is the video of the player Zoink beating "Tidal Wave" (Warning: Loud Beginning):

The demonlist

Geometry Dash levels are seperated into different difficulties. Originally there were 7 different level difficulties:

Eventually however, there were more and more levels being made that continuously surpassed the difficulty of the previous levels and so the range of the levels in the demon difficlty spanned from levels that were fairly douable with some practice, to levels that only the very best of players could beat. Because of this disparity, a new update was released which seperated the demon difficulty into 5 seperate difficulties:

When this change first occured, only the few hardest levels were hard enough be considered extreme demon, but now, many years since this change, the players of geometry dash have gotten way better, so much so that there are now over 800 extreme demons. With so many of these extreme demons, there is again the issue of having a huge difference between the easiest and hardest of extreme demon levels. Although the game itself had no way to properly rank all of these levels, the community has built the "Demonlist", A community driven way of ranking each and every of the hardest 150 levels. Along with this giving the average player a basis for how hard certain levels really are, this list also allows for more competition by giving players points based on the levels that they beat. For reference, these are the top 5 hardest current levels on the demonlist and the points beating them will give you:

Placement Level Name Points Given
1 Avernus250.00
2 Acheron 228.48
3 Silent Clubstep 210.06
4 Slaughterhouse 194.28
5 Kyouki 180.78

A new Top 1

Since there are so many people invested in the rankings of the hardest Geometry Dash levels, the newest hardest level is one that a lot of people have been talking about since it was beaten. The level is currently not added to the demonlist as it usually takes around a while for them to decide what position the level will go, but it seems very likely that Tidal Wave will be place at position 1 where it will replace Acheron, which has been at the number 1 position for just under a year. At first the community was quite split on whether they thought Tidal Wave would be a good top 1 level. People were concerned about how the level looked since it is very different looking than most other top levels which tend to have a darker tone and be more intimidating. Instead of going that route though, Tidal Wave is a beach themed level, and so the blues and yellows that the level uses are different than the dark reds and greys that people have come to expect from the hardest extreme demons. With the level being so difficult, people were also concered about how the level would play since it is usually much more challenging to make enjoyable gameplay for the hardest of levels.

Now that a bit more time has past since the Tidal Wave was originally beaten and people have had a bit more time to thing about the level, it seems that the community is starting to have a greater appreciation for Tidal Wave. The community members have started to like the uniqueness of a beach themed level now and also, some of the few players who are capable of playing small portions of the level have actually enjoyed the gameplay and think that the level is fun to play through. So the future top 1 level of the demonlist seems to have a promising future, although only time will tell if people this trend of enjoyng the level will continue or if people will go back to not thinking it is a good top 1 level.

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