What Kind of Scenery/Area Are You Most Desired To Live In?

Hello! Welcome to my form for what kind of scenery or area are you most desired to live in. You'll be asked questions about weather, nature and comfortibility. Have fun filling this form and dont forget to clikc the submit button!

Let's start off with the basics. Tell me your name and how old you are.

First Name: Last Name: Your Age Range:

Tell me a little bit about yourself:

let's Get Started

Using the buttons below, answer the following question by selecting ONE button. What main environment (biomes) on Earth sounds most comforting to you?

1.Tropical Rainforest 2.Deserts 3.Tundra 4. Plains

Using the small boxes bellow, answer the following question by clicking on the boxes (you can have more than one answer if you'd like). What is your desired kind of weather?

1.Sunny 2.Thunder/Rain 3.Cloudy 4.Snow

Finally, Using the radio buttons again , answer the following question by selecting ONE button. What set of Extreme Weather Conditions do you find the most interesting?

1. Tornado 2. Avalanche 3. Volcanic Euroption 4. Tsunami

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