What is Lost ?

Lost is a serie that talks about a plane that crashed on an unknown and mysterious island.

Lost is a serie created by Jeffrey Lieber, J. J. Abrams, & Damon Lindelof in 2004

With a total of 121 episodes, we will see why Lost is a great serie ;

  1. The description of the characters in Lost is flawless
    The evolution of the characters is coherent and shows how realistic this media can be. This is mainly due to our second aspect, the story.
  2. The Story
    The serie's story is one of its strongest elements. The story will give you goosebumps because of its great suspense that will get you addicted to the serie.
  3. The structure
    The way the story evolves is perfectly well structured. The uses of flashbacks are effective and will get you empathy for as much as the good and the bad figures.
Here is a top 6 of the best seasons of the serie

A funny story about the series. My favourite character is Jack, played by Matthew Fox, but the role was originally made for Michael Kaeton (Batman). Jack was supposed to die at the end of the pilot episode but because J.J.Abrams loved how Matthew played the character, he decided to keep it and make him one of the main figures of the show.

Here is a table of my favorites characters:
My favorite characters: Their actor:
Jack Shephard Matthew Fox
John Locke Terry O'Quinn
Hugo Reyes Jorge Garcia
Charlie Pace Dominic Monaghan
Dayid Jarrah Naveen Andrew

Here is a link to watch the serie Lost on Disney Plus Disney Plus
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