
Game Development

unity logo

While attending Bishops University I took CS412 Game Design. Here we learnt some of the basics of game design while creating small projects to help develop some of our skills. The class is actually quite fun but takes a good amount of time and effort to make a decent well designed game. I do recommend the class to anyone who wants to have an idea of how game development works, a decent entry point but dont expect to learn too much if you already have a lot of game dev experience. The main engine we use in this course is Unity where the language used is C#.

Example Projects

Bishops Bog Goblin

For this project we had to recreate bishops campus as a level. We had to create a simple npc which we could interact with, who would give us a quest to fight a goblin at the bog near campus. Then retrieve a quest item once defeated to obtain a reward.

Examples of the level "Bishops"


Wizard's Chess

The goal of this project was to create a working chess engine with animated game pieces. We also had to create a few different types of AI, one which makes random moves, while the other which uses a minmax algorith with Alpha-beta pruning.

Examples of chessboard

Wizard Chess Wizard chess2

Example of taking a piece

Wizard Chess Gif