My Second Lab Page: More Information about Counter-Strike

Counter Strike is a very old Game created by valve, it has survived for over 20 years through 3 versions of the game and is argueably more popular now than it ever has been all over the world.

In Counter-strike there are 7 maps in which the game is played on. The objective is the same on all seven maps.
The general gist of the game can be summed up in and a few very short videos. You can find them here if you are interested. Counter-Strike Explained

These are the current maps that are being played with some brief information about them.

Map Name Date Released Creator
Nuke June 19, 1999 Joe Bieg
Mirage June 6, 2013 Michael Hull
Dust 2 March 13, 2001 David Johnston
Ancient Dec 3, 2020 Valve Corporation
Inferno June 27th, 1999 Chris Auty
Overpass December 18, 2013 Valve Corporation
Vertigo October 1, 2012 Chris Auty

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